A Comprehensive Guide to a Building and Development Feasibility Study

by May 11, 2023Advice

Before embarking on any property development project, it is essential to conduct a feasibility study to determine the viability of the project. The study evaluates the project’s potential success by examining its economic, financial, legal, and market viability. It helps a developer or an investor make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the project or not. A building and development feasibility study is a comprehensive process that requires crucial inputs, and in this blog, we will look at what should be included in an effective study.

1. Economics: 

The economics assessment is critical in evaluating the viability of the project. It involves analyzing government policies, economic indicators, and market trends that could impact the project. The economic analysis determines whether the project is feasible based on economic indicators such as inflation rates, GDP growth rate, and tax policies. It also involves the study of the sector’s history and current state to determine the market’s future growth prospects.

2. Financials:

The financial assessment analyses the project’s financial viability and its ability to generate a sufficient return on investment. It involves calculating the project’s costs, revenue potential, and expected profits. The study includes an analysis of the investment and operational costs to ensure that the project’s financial returns justify the initial investment.

3. Legal:

The legal assessment evaluates the project’s feasibility based on legal restrictions and policies. It involves reviewing zoning laws, environmental policies, and building codes to ensure compliance with the industry’s legal requirements. The legal assessment also includes conducting a title search on the property to ensure that it has a clear title and no liens or other legal encumbrances.

4. Market:

The market assessment involves analyzing the target market demand for the project and the competition. It also assesses the market’s demographics, preferences, and purchasing power to determine the most profitable marketing strategies. The assessment helps the developer or investor to gauge whether there is enough demand for the project to be successful.

5. Risk Assessment:

The risk assessment evaluates the potential risks that could impact the project’s success. It assesses risks such as economic volatility, construction risks, regulatory risks, operational risks, and market trends. The study analyzes the risks and creates a mitigation plan for the identified risks to avoid their impact on the project’s success.


In conclusion, a comprehensive building and development feasibility study is essential to determine the potential success of a project. The study evaluates the economic, financial, legal, market, and risk factors to help a developer make informed decisions. By conducting a feasibility study, a developer reduces the risks of costly mistakes and ensures the project is viable before investing in it. It is a crucial first step that every developer should consider before embarking on any property development project.